hello, hello, Summer Writing Faculty.
Thank you again for your generosity this summer in helping us launch the inaugural online writing center: I am confident students will benefit greatly from our collaboration.
What we need from you: during Week One, please organize your students into five groups, then ask one representative from each group to fill out this scheduling preferences form.
During Week Three we will send out (and update here) a scheduling preference form for individual tutoring appointments.
Click Here for more information about the Summer Online Writing Center timeline.
A few reminders:
a) the Writing Center and Summer Session would like to encourage faculty to motivate students into taking advantage of these tutoring resources; this may include making “participation in a writing community” a fundamental component of the course. (Below are a few resources for contextualizing group writing for your students.)
b) we will be using this document to help inform our tutors about what’s happening in the “classroom;” ideally, you would use this document to post weekly updates about your class for the Writing Center. (Note: you will need to be logged in to your ucsc.edu account to access the document — it is not public.)